by Tyler Greene
Naomi Wolf said in her book The End of America: “These events may seem to have historical echoes because they actually are mirrored in history.” Don't get your hopes up this November because the Tax Cannabis 2010 act is not going to legalize cannabis use in any way, shape, or form. We have already a national tax cannabis act in place since 1937. It is also known as probation. The Tax Cannabis 1937 act allowed "Every person who imports, manufactures, produces, compounds, sells, deals in, dispenses, prescribes, administers, or gives away marihuana” to do so legally as long as they paid the taxes. The Tax Cannabis 2010 act proposed by Oaksterdam profiteer Richard Lee is nothing more than stale, regurgitated legislation along with more unnecessary regulations and taxes designed to imprison more cannabis users. Making new laws will do nothing to make cannabis use more free. We should repeal the bad laws that are harming people in the first place. People have freely cultivated and consumed cannabis throughout recorded history and we need it now more than ever.
Cannabis has not even been prohibited for that long. Cannabis was a primary crop of the indigenous people found on the land now known as the USA even before Columbus sailed the ocean blue. In 1610 the colonists of Jamestown were required by law to grow Cannabis. In 1850 it was reported that 8,327 plantations were growing cannabis in the new world. Then El Paso, Texas passed a raciest law in 1914 that said “All Mexicans are Crazy and this stuff (Marijuana) is what does it to them”. That is the actual text of the law that began cannabis prohibition as we know it! In 1937 Harry Anslinger’s Marijuana Tax act was passed effectively outlawing cannabis use. The law was modeled after the earlier Harrison Act of 1914 that taxed all narcotics but failed to control cannabis.
These laws pass because they don’t address the fundamental truths about the cannabis plant. You can’t allow people to grow hemp and outlaw cannabis because they are basically the same plant. It was only when Anslinger associated cannabis with racial phrases such as “marihuana” that any of these regulations passed. Marijuana is a racial slur not a scientific name. When asked if any of the legitimate uses of the hemp plant would be threatened by his new law controlling marijuana Anslinger replied “I would say that they are not only amply protected under this act, but they can go ahead and raise hemp just as they have always done it.” No one bothered to find out that the two are the same plant! Anslinger convinced the lawmakers that certain people (i.e. Mexicans and Africans) become dangerous (i.e. look at white people) to our society (i.e. white people) when they use a marijuana plant (cannabis, hemp, weed, hash, ganja, smoke, pot) You can’t regulate something that will fundamentally set you free and bring people together.
“To say that any people are not fit for freedom, is to make poverty their choice, and to say they had rather be loaded with taxes than not.” Thomas Paine
Cannabis is our most valuable resource but it is difficult to control because it is grows everywhere and can be used for almost anything. Henry Ford built the body panels on his first Model T out of hemp and it was to run on hemp gasoline the car was said to have “grown from the soil”. Hemp was called “a billion dollar crop” by Popular Mechanics and Pharmacopoeia listed cannabis as the primary treatment for over 100 diseases. Anslinger him self testified they needed they law because “fifteen dealers were arrested here (D.C.) for peddling marijuana and they had to be prosecuted for practicing pharmacy without a license." This is the same fake problem we are facing in California today. You don’t need a license to grow or use cannabis. The real problem is that Lee and Anslinger were not getting their cut. Cannabis replaces drugs, fuel, textile, food, alcohol, nicotine and you can grow it at home. This takes money directly out of many private corporations’ bank accounts.
There are many benefits to know about cultivating the cannabis plant such as safer medicine and renewable fuel. Sales tax is already paid on the end products and other manufacturing processes right now. We need total decriminalization for any amount of possesion to see a decrease in crime. If it was free to grow any amount or consume any amount people would stop smoking cigarettes and smoke more joints instead. People would drink less and use cannabis more. With less laws to enforce our jails would get smaller and our justice system would unclog. We would finally begin to rely less on foreign oil by growing our cannabis at home therefore driving less. Our overloaded health care system could be relieved by treating less serious conditions with less serious and more effective medicine. Everyone should make up their own mind based on the truth. The truth about TC2010 is that it has some striking similarities to current prohibition laws that were subtly passed due to the public lack of information effectively snuffing out cannabis use for much of America replacing it with big oil and big pharmacy.
Richard Lee is a self proclaimed conservative business owner from Texas who used over one million dollars of his own money (so far) to write and support TC2010! He would stand to gain personal wealth with the passing of this law selling you pot one ounce at a time.
If TC2010 is passed it would be a crime to have cannabis around anyone under the age of 21. TC2010 would also criminalize public use which is currently not even against the law. Lee claims it will generate revenue and we must ask at who’s cost. Another hard fact is you will only be able to possess one ounce at a time and grow in a 25sqft area. This leaves a lot of grey area because one plant can easily fill 25sqft and be over one ounce. People would still go to jail for possession and there are stiff penalties for distributing with out a license. The proposed taxes are very high and there is no provision for medical cannabis use. This should be the biggest reason for anyone to vote against the act. There is no provision for medical cannabis so arrest would be left up to law enforcemt’s discretion. Is this what you want? I recommend starting your own garden now, before its too late.
Tyler Greene
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Bringing a new era of lighting to a new price range of consumers. Until yesterday the cheapest RTG CEL fixture was the one CEL. The one CEL can be upgraded and customized many different ways. We have also used the most expensive LEDs made in the USA.
The eco CEL will continue the tradition of USA LEDs at a lower price than ever before. Covering only slightly less area than one CEL but at half the cost.
for more information visit Grow Green Company Store
Used as a primary grow source in tight spaces, seed starting or to supplement existing systems RTG eco CEL is the most efficient solution. The perfect way to start your grow! Eco CEL will hardly leaves a mark on your electrical usage while allowing you to grow your own no matter what you grow or where you grow it. The best five watt LEDs are used.
-More light output and less power consumption than other LEDs
-Open source solar ready grow system.
-Easily covers a 2' X 2' area.
-Uses approximately $2 per month in electrical energy; saving $63 annually.*
-Built in 12 volt waterproof power supply.
-Solid state constant current direct drive electrical system.
-10/15 watt high power deep red emitters included.
-Modular design allows for all parts to be replaced.
-No cooling fans, silent operation.
-Impact resistant.
-Low heat signature no external ventilation required.
-Removable LEDs allow for future upgrades.
-only 30 watts of total power consumption.
-100,000 hours lamp life. (2X longer than other LED grow lights)
-10 year warranty.
-Money back guarantee.
-Made in the USA!
*based on 12 to 18 hours of use per day at .14 cents per kilowatt hour
Sunday, July 4, 2010
(RTG three CEL)
by Richard Tyler Greene Jr
Ready To Grow Cool Efficient Light (RTG CEL) by Richard Tyler Greene Jr is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
The purpose of a grow light is to turn electricity into electromagnetic radiation in the form of light needed for plant growth efficiently as possible. Common lighting devices (including other LED lights) emit a wide range of radiation, including heat, often not needed for the intended purpose, illumination; and this energy is often pulsed at a high rate so it appears to be consistently on to the human eye but causing a drop in needed luminance at a specific wavelength and over a finite amount of time and space in relation to power consumption. Furthermore the heat generated is often removed by a fan or other method leading to more power use and heat generation.
Design and Concept
Cool and efficient light providing consistent, constant, controlled, wavelength specific and directional illumination. The cool efficient light (CEL for short) emits the wanted wavelengths of light directionally while dissipating the heat through the reflector. The light output can be smooth and not pulsed leading to a higher ratio of light over time. Choosing the right emitters for the intended use it is possible to emit wanted wavelengths of light in the wanted place with minimal extra radiation such as heat or UV rays
The present invention relates to a Cool and efficient light providing consistent, constant, controlled, wavelength specific and directional illumination. The cool efficient light (CEL for short) emits the wanted wavelengths of light directionally while dissipating the heat through the reflector. The light output can be smooth and not pulsed leading to a higher ratio of light over time. Choosing the right emitters for the intended use it is possible to emit wanted wavelengths of light in the wanted place with minimal extra radiation such as heat or UV rays.
The device is comprised of the following:
A. Wavelength specific emitter
B. Heat sink and reflector
C. Direct current power source
D. Load resistor OR current limiting device
E. Frame
F. Cool Efficient Light
G. Electrical conductor
The Cool Efficient Light (F) device is an electric device that emits desired wavelengths of energy including but not limited to visible light, such as a lighting fixture or light, and may be anywhere from very small, or terribly large.
The wavelength specific emitter (A) is an electronic device emitting specific wavelength(s) radiation including but not limited to visible light. The emitter (A) could include future yet to be invented or conceived emitters and current emitters such as but not limited to LED, light emitting diodes, and other devices that emit specific wavelength(s). The emitter (A) will emit its energy when some electricity is applied.
The heat sink and reflector (B) provides adequate heat dissipation for emitter function while reflecting usable energy in the desired direction. The heat sink and reflector (B) can be constructed of any materiel that provides enough heat dissipation for the emitter to operate including but not limited to aluminum. A polished surface is recommended to reflect as much energy as possible. The heat sink and reflector (B) can be constructed out of multiple pieces or out of one piece but should be assembled with an appropriate thermal compound or something in way to ensure proper thermal conductivity.
A more complex load resistor or current limiting device (D) may be used in order to control the release of energy. Smaller and more efficient components could allow for a smaller more streamlined frame (E). The direct current power source (C) and the load resistor or current limiting device (D) could be integrated as one unit. An onboard control computer could be added to control modulation of different emitters on the same light or to control the light over time. Furthermore lights could be controlled from a central device. Multiple emitters could also be used. Emitters that have multiple colors on the same device could also be used.
The cool efficient light (F) drawn has three heat sink and reflectors (B) but the cool efficient light (F) can have any number of any size heat sink and reflector(s). The frame (E) can be adjusted to any size or shape. Multiple emitters (A) can be attached to the heat sink reflector (B). Different or multiple direct current power sources (C) can be used. The load resistor or current limiting device (D) is connected between the wavelength specific emitter (A) and the direct current power source (C) to control the amount of electricity in the emitter (A).
Wavelength specific emitter(s) (A) can be place on the heat sink reflector (B) so the desired output is directed forward while the heat generated by the emitter(s) is dissipated by the heat sink reflector (B). The heat sink reflector(s) (B) with attached wavelength specific emitter(s) (A) can be fastened to the frame (E) along with the direct current power source(s) (C) and the load resistor(s) or current limiting device(s). Conductor(s) (G) connect the direct current power source(s) (C) to the wavelength specific emitter(s) (A) through the load resistor(s) or current limiting device(s) (D). All the components do not need to be connected to the frame or to each other in order to function as long as they are connected via the conductors (G). The direct current power supply(s) (C) and load resistor(s) or current limiting device(s) (D) could be in a separate frame (E) than the heat sink and reflector(s) and wavelength specific emitter(s) (A) as long as they are connected with conductor(s) (G).
The direct current power source (C) supplies electricity through the load resistor or current limiting device (D) to the wavelength specific emitter (A) that is attached to the heat sink reflector (B) and energy is emitted out of the wavelength specific emitter (A). The heat generated by the wavelength specific emitter (A) is dissipated by the heat sink and reflector (B) while the specific wavelengths produced are also directed by reflection.
When the direct current power supply (C) is connected to the wavelength specific emitter (A) and the load resistor or current limiting device (D) via the conductor (G) the electricity causes the wavelength specific emitter (A) to emit light that is reflected and heat that is dissipated through the heat sink and reflector (B).
Attach the wavelength specific emitter(s) (A) to the heat sink and reflector (B) in a way that ensures good thermal conductivity between devices. The heat sink and reflector should be made from a materiel that can dissipate enough heat from the wavelength specific emitter(s) (A) and reflect any usable energy in the desired direction. The wavelength specific emitter(s) (A) should be chosen for the required output and an appropriate load resistor or current limiting device (D) is placed in line with the direct current power source (C) and the wavelength specific emitter (A). The conductor (G) should be of sufficient size or capacity to safely conduct the electricity between the components. The direct current power source (C) should be rated to handle the load with proper safety factor. The components should be connected in accordance with manufactures specifications.
The direct current power source (C) and load resistor or current limiting device (D) can be combined. The direct current power source (C) and/or load resistor or current limiting device (D) can be moved to a separate unit. Additional devices can attach to the heat sink and reflector (B) to increase thermal mass such as but not limited to a water cooling system or fans. A switch or switches may be added for control.
The cool efficient light (F) works as long as the direct current power source (C) is supplying electricity. The cool efficient light (F) is used where efficiency is needed as well as wavelength specific output. The cool efficient light (F) can be used for any lighting application.
The cool efficient light (F) can be used for but not limited to fish tanks, horticulture, plant growth, live entertainment, still photography, desk lamps, photo therapy, human cell repair, concerts, film, TV, buildings, eco-friendly lighting, mobile homes, cars, military, parties, corporate events, landscape lighting, marine lighting, and space exploration.
Current lighting methods, including the sun, radiate a broad assortment of different wavelengths across the electromagnetic spectrum and extending into and in some cases past the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum. Humans, animals and plants do not need this entire spectrum to live and grow and furthermore certain wavelengths can be harmful to life. Current lighting fixtures can be wavelength specific but often the wrong wavelength is used or there is not enough of the needed wavelengths proportionally to the unneeded wavelengths such as heat. Also current makers of lighting fixtures often use modulation to drive the illuminator electronically. My light converts energy into the needed direct current to drive the emitter and therefore there is no pulse or strobe in the light output unless a modulator is introduced for that purpose.
Common lighting devices emit a wide range of radiation, including heat, often not needed for the intended purpose, illumination; and this energy is often pulsed at a high rate so it appears to be consistently on to the human eye but causing a drop in needed luminance at a specific wavelength and over a finite amount of time and space in relation to power consumption. Furthermore the heat generated is often removed by a fan or other method leading to more power use and heat generation.
Ready To Grow Cool Efficient Light (RTG CEL) by Richard Tyler Greene Jr is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
(RTG three CEL)
by Richard Tyler Greene Jr
Ready To Grow Cool Efficient Light (RTG CEL) by Richard Tyler Greene Jr is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
The purpose of a grow light is to turn electricity into electromagnetic radiation in the form of light needed for plant growth efficiently as possible. Common lighting devices (including other LED lights) emit a wide range of radiation, including heat, often not needed for the intended purpose, illumination; and this energy is often pulsed at a high rate so it appears to be consistently on to the human eye but causing a drop in needed luminance at a specific wavelength and over a finite amount of time and space in relation to power consumption. Furthermore the heat generated is often removed by a fan or other method leading to more power use and heat generation.
From design |
From design |
Design and Concept
Cool and efficient light providing consistent, constant, controlled, wavelength specific and directional illumination. The cool efficient light (CEL for short) emits the wanted wavelengths of light directionally while dissipating the heat through the reflector. The light output can be smooth and not pulsed leading to a higher ratio of light over time. Choosing the right emitters for the intended use it is possible to emit wanted wavelengths of light in the wanted place with minimal extra radiation such as heat or UV rays
The present invention relates to a Cool and efficient light providing consistent, constant, controlled, wavelength specific and directional illumination. The cool efficient light (CEL for short) emits the wanted wavelengths of light directionally while dissipating the heat through the reflector. The light output can be smooth and not pulsed leading to a higher ratio of light over time. Choosing the right emitters for the intended use it is possible to emit wanted wavelengths of light in the wanted place with minimal extra radiation such as heat or UV rays.
The device is comprised of the following:
A. Wavelength specific emitter
B. Heat sink and reflector
C. Direct current power source
D. Load resistor OR current limiting device
E. Frame
F. Cool Efficient Light
G. Electrical conductor
The Cool Efficient Light (F) device is an electric device that emits desired wavelengths of energy including but not limited to visible light, such as a lighting fixture or light, and may be anywhere from very small, or terribly large.
The wavelength specific emitter (A) is an electronic device emitting specific wavelength(s) radiation including but not limited to visible light. The emitter (A) could include future yet to be invented or conceived emitters and current emitters such as but not limited to LED, light emitting diodes, and other devices that emit specific wavelength(s). The emitter (A) will emit its energy when some electricity is applied.
The heat sink and reflector (B) provides adequate heat dissipation for emitter function while reflecting usable energy in the desired direction. The heat sink and reflector (B) can be constructed of any materiel that provides enough heat dissipation for the emitter to operate including but not limited to aluminum. A polished surface is recommended to reflect as much energy as possible. The heat sink and reflector (B) can be constructed out of multiple pieces or out of one piece but should be assembled with an appropriate thermal compound or something in way to ensure proper thermal conductivity.
A more complex load resistor or current limiting device (D) may be used in order to control the release of energy. Smaller and more efficient components could allow for a smaller more streamlined frame (E). The direct current power source (C) and the load resistor or current limiting device (D) could be integrated as one unit. An onboard control computer could be added to control modulation of different emitters on the same light or to control the light over time. Furthermore lights could be controlled from a central device. Multiple emitters could also be used. Emitters that have multiple colors on the same device could also be used.
The cool efficient light (F) drawn has three heat sink and reflectors (B) but the cool efficient light (F) can have any number of any size heat sink and reflector(s). The frame (E) can be adjusted to any size or shape. Multiple emitters (A) can be attached to the heat sink reflector (B). Different or multiple direct current power sources (C) can be used. The load resistor or current limiting device (D) is connected between the wavelength specific emitter (A) and the direct current power source (C) to control the amount of electricity in the emitter (A).
Wavelength specific emitter(s) (A) can be place on the heat sink reflector (B) so the desired output is directed forward while the heat generated by the emitter(s) is dissipated by the heat sink reflector (B). The heat sink reflector(s) (B) with attached wavelength specific emitter(s) (A) can be fastened to the frame (E) along with the direct current power source(s) (C) and the load resistor(s) or current limiting device(s). Conductor(s) (G) connect the direct current power source(s) (C) to the wavelength specific emitter(s) (A) through the load resistor(s) or current limiting device(s) (D). All the components do not need to be connected to the frame or to each other in order to function as long as they are connected via the conductors (G). The direct current power supply(s) (C) and load resistor(s) or current limiting device(s) (D) could be in a separate frame (E) than the heat sink and reflector(s) and wavelength specific emitter(s) (A) as long as they are connected with conductor(s) (G).
The direct current power source (C) supplies electricity through the load resistor or current limiting device (D) to the wavelength specific emitter (A) that is attached to the heat sink reflector (B) and energy is emitted out of the wavelength specific emitter (A). The heat generated by the wavelength specific emitter (A) is dissipated by the heat sink and reflector (B) while the specific wavelengths produced are also directed by reflection.
When the direct current power supply (C) is connected to the wavelength specific emitter (A) and the load resistor or current limiting device (D) via the conductor (G) the electricity causes the wavelength specific emitter (A) to emit light that is reflected and heat that is dissipated through the heat sink and reflector (B).
Attach the wavelength specific emitter(s) (A) to the heat sink and reflector (B) in a way that ensures good thermal conductivity between devices. The heat sink and reflector should be made from a materiel that can dissipate enough heat from the wavelength specific emitter(s) (A) and reflect any usable energy in the desired direction. The wavelength specific emitter(s) (A) should be chosen for the required output and an appropriate load resistor or current limiting device (D) is placed in line with the direct current power source (C) and the wavelength specific emitter (A). The conductor (G) should be of sufficient size or capacity to safely conduct the electricity between the components. The direct current power source (C) should be rated to handle the load with proper safety factor. The components should be connected in accordance with manufactures specifications.
The direct current power source (C) and load resistor or current limiting device (D) can be combined. The direct current power source (C) and/or load resistor or current limiting device (D) can be moved to a separate unit. Additional devices can attach to the heat sink and reflector (B) to increase thermal mass such as but not limited to a water cooling system or fans. A switch or switches may be added for control.
The cool efficient light (F) works as long as the direct current power source (C) is supplying electricity. The cool efficient light (F) is used where efficiency is needed as well as wavelength specific output. The cool efficient light (F) can be used for any lighting application.
The cool efficient light (F) can be used for but not limited to fish tanks, horticulture, plant growth, live entertainment, still photography, desk lamps, photo therapy, human cell repair, concerts, film, TV, buildings, eco-friendly lighting, mobile homes, cars, military, parties, corporate events, landscape lighting, marine lighting, and space exploration.
Current lighting methods, including the sun, radiate a broad assortment of different wavelengths across the electromagnetic spectrum and extending into and in some cases past the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum. Humans, animals and plants do not need this entire spectrum to live and grow and furthermore certain wavelengths can be harmful to life. Current lighting fixtures can be wavelength specific but often the wrong wavelength is used or there is not enough of the needed wavelengths proportionally to the unneeded wavelengths such as heat. Also current makers of lighting fixtures often use modulation to drive the illuminator electronically. My light converts energy into the needed direct current to drive the emitter and therefore there is no pulse or strobe in the light output unless a modulator is introduced for that purpose.
Common lighting devices emit a wide range of radiation, including heat, often not needed for the intended purpose, illumination; and this energy is often pulsed at a high rate so it appears to be consistently on to the human eye but causing a drop in needed luminance at a specific wavelength and over a finite amount of time and space in relation to power consumption. Furthermore the heat generated is often removed by a fan or other method leading to more power use and heat generation.
Ready To Grow Cool Efficient Light (RTG CEL) by Richard Tyler Greene Jr is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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