Why NOT 19?
Prop 19 is the tax, control and regulation of cannabis.
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tr.v. con·trolled, con·trol·ling, con·trols
Why not just
got questions?
The truth is our government has been trying to tax regulate and control cannabis on the federal and world level since even before 1937 marijuana tax stamp act. They can't do it. We need to end prohibition by overturning current laws that criminalize the use and sale of cannabis. Cannabis can end the monopoly pharmacy has on our health but it won't if 19 passes. We need to get on the medical cause for the good of our race. We need to exercise our constitutional rights of privacy and our guarantee of the pursuit of happiness. We need to support each others lives and grows. We should repeal prohibition on a national level and have an accepted medical policy that allows safe cannabis the same way we have safe bread to eat.We should be focused protecting safe access to our plants and the right every human being has to grow plants and be healthy instead of waiting for permission to get high.
The issues:
Persons under 21
If you are under 21 you SHOULD be allowed to possess, work or live around a cannabis grow, or be around anyone who uses it, no exceptions.Prop 19 not only prohibits anyone under the age of 21 from using or having cannabis (sec 11301) but also prohibits you from furnishing cannabis to minors and even smoking it around minors all together. Prop 19 is not a step in the right direction to make cannabis more legal. Prop 19 will make more criminals out of normal citizens while we are currently ending prohibition with legislation like SB 1449. Prop 19 will induce divides and push people apart based on their age.
Prop 19 prohibits anyone under the age of 21 from using or having cannabis. (sec 11301)
(b) retail sale of not more than one ounce per transaction, in licensed premises, to persons 21 years or older, for personal consumption and not for resale;
(c) appropriate controls on cultivation, transportation, sales, and consumption of cannabis to strictly prohibit access to cannabis by persons under the age of 21;
(d) age limits and controls to ensure that all persons present in, employed by, or in any way involved in the operation of, any such licensed premises are 21 or older;
Under prop 19 furnishing cannabis to minors is prohibited.
(a) Every person 18 years of age or over who hires, employs, or uses a minor in transporting, carrying, selling, giving away, preparing for sale, or peddling any marijuana, who unlawfully sells, or offers to sell, any marijuana to a minor, or who furnishes, administers, or gives, or offers to furnish, administer, or give any marijuana to a minor under 14 years of age, or who induces a minor to use marijuana in violation of law shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for a period of three, five, or seven years.
(b) Every person 18 years of age or over who furnishes, administers, or gives, or offers to furnish, administer, or give, any marijuana to a minor 14 years of age or older shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for a period of three, four, or five years.
(c) Every person 21 years of age or over who knowingly furnishes, administers, or gives, or offers to furnish, administer or give, any marijuana to a person aged 18 years or older, but younger than 21 years of age, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of up to six months and be fined up to $1,000 for each offense.
(d) In addition to the penalties above, any person who is licensed, permitted or authorized to perform any act pursuant to Section 11301, who while so licensed, permitted or authorized, negligently furnishes, administers, gives or sells, or offers to furnish, administer, give or sell, any marijuana to any person younger than 21 years of age shall not be permitted to own, operate, be employed by, assist or enter any licensed premises authorized under Section 11301 for a period of one year.
Medical Cannabis
The whole medical cannabis system is in jeopardy because of prop 19. Lets not trade ending a helpful medical practice for permission to get high. Ending medical access to cannabis is cruel to patients and the sick who need it to be healthy.Everyone has a medical condition that could benefit from the use of cannabis. Feeling good means your healthy. Cannabis makes people healthy. Everyone can benefit from medical use if they need it. If you don't need it don't abuse it. Now its our time, our health and our cannabis. Prop 19 won't give you any more medical access but more control and taxes. Lets just get together and exercise the rights we all have as humans to be healthy and happy.
There is much that will happen to medical cannabis under prop 19. Medical cannabis will receive no special treatment and there are no special provisions for protecting a medical patient right to possess or grow cannabis.
Jim Gray says medical cannabis will end per prop 19. and he is a judge. I believe him. http://www.youtube.com/wat
"There is an initiative (prop 19) here in California ......5th thing the entire medical marijuana issue would pretty much dissolve and hurray for that, it get some control on it, regulate it, control it, tax it and bring it back under the law" Judge Jim Gray
Control and Tax
Any law to control cannabis says people are unfit to freely possess cannabis. Denying people this freedom MAKES poverty their only choice. No one wants to be taxed more than not.Why do we need special unrepresentative taxes for a harmless plant that is already legal in the state? Since 1449 is law we don't need prop 19's harsh regulations and possible taxes of which NO one seems to know the amount of.
I am ASKING why do we need more taxes on a harmless plant? Cant we just tax it and regulate it like we do sugar or soy? Isn't that total legalization?
“To say that any people are not fit for freedom, is to make poverty their choice, and to say they had rather be loaded with taxes than not.” Thomas Paine
Cannabis grows for free, so why shouldn't it?
Ending prohibition on a national level
Prop 19 is just more taxes, controls, regulations, and laws true freedom lovers WILL have to repeal later.If prop 19 passes then Obama, Arnold, or the DEA will shut it down (they have said they will). We also gotta remember legalize was #1 on Change.org and .gov and they still said no way. People are understanding how great cannabis is demanding access to it and thats what we need for cannabis to be accepted and legal throughout the world.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EWAlEWgSUo&playnext=1&videos=2Z8gDhuopx4&feature=mfu_in_order 9:00
So this is what we need for cannabis: "The harrison act, the marijuana tax act, and the federal controlled substances act of the United States are hereby repealed."
Growers rights
We should have the right to grow as much cannabis as we need to be healthy.The strict regulations in prop 19 would disallow growers to continue to grow with out special tax and regulations. Growers will be limited in how much they can grow and where they can grow it. This will force many consumers to rely on the corporate system of distribution. Prop 19 is all about controlling every aspect of cannabis until there is only one place left to buy it at whatever price they choose. If we can't grow the cannabis we need then we are still under the governmental control that is ruining our lives and land.
There are many benefits to know about cultivating the cannabis plant such as safer medicine and renewable fuel. Sales tax is already paid on the end products and other manufacturing processes right now. We need total decriminalization for any amount of possession to see a decrease in crime. If it was free to grow any amount or consume any amount people would stop smoking cigarettes and smoke more joints instead. People would drink less and use cannabis more. With less laws to enforce our jails would get smaller and our justice system would unclog. We would finally begin to rely less on foreign oil by growing our cannabis at home therefore driving less. Our overloaded health care system could be relieved by treating less serious conditions with less serious and more effective medicine. Everyone should make up their own mind based on the truth. The truth about prop 19 is that it has some striking similarities to current prohibition laws that were subtly passed due to the public lack of information effectively snuffing out cannabis use for much of America replacing it with big oil and big pharmacy.
Growers could be subject to special taxes and regulations unprecedented in recorded history. How can someone grow enough hemp seed for food in a 5X5 area. The real issue here is controlling the production of cannabis.
Prop 19 requires you to get permission from your landlord if you want to grow in the privacy of your own home.
Special license will be required and tax paid to produce for commercial use and co-ops will no longer be able to share their cannabis with the public. Farmers should not be taxed simply for growing and medicine should never be taxed. You don't get taxed for milking a cow or growing soy so why should cannabis be subject to special prohibitory controls and taxes?
You can’t regulate something that will fundamentally set you free and bring people together. Until we end the racist laws that began prohibition we can not truly move forward.Marijuana is a racial slur not a scientific name. Prohibition began when the truth about cannabis was covered up with greed and racism. The marijuana tax stamp act was designed to enslave minorities based on what they called cannabis. Cannabis has always had many medical and industrial uses. When asked if any of the legitimate uses of the hemp plant would be threatened by his new law controlling marijuana Anslinger replied “I would say that they are not only amply protected under this act, but they can go ahead and raise hemp just as they have always done it.” No one bothered to find out that the two are the same plant! Anslinger convinced the lawmakers that certain people (i.e. Mexicans and Africans) become dangerous (i.e. look at white people) to our society (i.e. white people) when they use a marijuana plant (cannabis, hemp, weed, hash, ganja, smoke, pot)
We need to exercise our constitutional rights of privacy and our guarantee of the pursuit of happiness. We need to support each others lives and grows. We should be focused protecting safe access to our plants and the right every human being has to grow plants and be healthy instead of waiting for permission to get high.
People shouldn't abuse anything. If they are happy and healthy already without cannabis then they must need cannabis for one of the zillion other good things it does like clothes, fuel, or food of which all should be unregulated because there is no harm. We need laws that address all of cannabis truth not just the recreational part. We got rid of alcohol prohibition by repealing the laws not by making new ones. The old prohibition was called "the marijuana tax stamp act" Lets demand freedom instead of giving up some rights for others.
Prop 19 doesn't tell you its okay to use cannabis but it does tell you what it does not allow you to do:
“Personal consumption” shall not include, and nothing in this Act shall permit cannabis:
(i) possession for sale regardless of amount, except by a person who is licensed or permitted to do so under the terms of an ordinance adopted pursuant to section 11301;
(ii) consumption in public or in a public place;
(iii) consumption by the operator of any vehicle, boat or aircraft while it is being operated, or that impairs the operator;
(iv) smoking cannabis in any space while minors are present.
Prop 19 would criminalize public use which is currently not even against the law. (meaning there is no special law prohibiting it) but it will be against the law if 19 passes. And please remember it is still law enforcement and judges that do not support this p19 that will have to enforce the new laws.
Corporate cannabis
Prop 19 is supported by economic hit men and petrochemical giants. It doesn't cost anything to grow. Why should it? Prop 19 is designed to enslave cannabis users to system where people pay for their happiness and health.If prop 19 is paving the way for reform then why does it negate so many good programs (namely medical) that help us truly be more free and disallow the freedoms we already have? Why can't we just keep on our path to freedom the simple and truthful way? Why do we need to invite control back into our lives at the very moment when we are using Cannabis to free ourselves and the nations? I know it will take state and federal legislation that strikes old prohibition laws down and prop 19 just adds more laws that need to be enforced with out allowing any new freedom since SB 1449 was signed. Now SB 1449 is a step in the right direction because it follows a proven model to end prohibition by removing old laws from the books. Prop 19 truly paves the way for the corporate control of the canna trade and the real profiteers are supporting this prop 19 because they don't think you deserve the right to have a happy, healthy life without paying them for it. Prop 19 is slavery with pretty name tag that says "legalization". The people have the power and they always have. the only way to enslave people is to make them think they want and need control. They have not been able to EVER control or tax or regulate cannabis because they can't. To say people would rather have control than not is to make slavery their only choice. Cannabis grows freely EVERYWHERE and why shouldn't it????
Okay Lets say p 19 passes and Obama, Arnold, or the DEA doesn't shut it down (which they have said they will). Then companies that funded the law such as Monsanto can patent cannabis meaning your infringing by growing selling or using it with our proper approval from the patent owner. Then the Herer prop will be a mute point and no votes will set anything free. This is not simple. In 1937 they set us up for tax evasion now they are setting us up for patent infringement. They already hold the patents by the way. Keep in mind also you will need a license to sell under p 19 and its up to the government to set the rates to get one. Also how can i grow hemp seed for food in a 5X5?
Big tobacco doesn't want to loose any market share for 18 to 21 yo smokers. It makes sense because the alcohol lobbies against 19 probably because they are already loosing business to the canna trade.
From the DPA website here http://www.drugpolicy.org/statebystate/california/ George Soros openly supports the DPA while holding major shares in the Monsanto Corp who brought us products such as Celebrex and Agent Orange. With $11.365 billion USD of revenue in 2008. Is this who you want selling you medicine? Has everyone forgot about Change.org? Prop 19 is nothing more than a distraction while you play right into their hand game over.
Local Regulations
Prop 19 leaves decisions about commercial growing and sales up to local governments. It takes the power away from the people and levies them with unfair taxes. It takes the power out of the vote and puts it to the legislature to be overturned and re written.Prop 19 takes the power away from the people because it can be overturned by the legislator. I really really really want legalization but I must use history and my elders as my guide. It is up to us to decide how to end prohibition before we pass any more regulate control laws. Lets explore the potential of this plant, medicine, fiber, and food before we begin to blindly follow a government that has already failed to tax and regulate or control cannabis since 1937.
It is written into p19 that the legislature can modify the law any time after it passes. This means we the people can't change it but they can. Be critical of the proverbial carrot. It is only a tool to make us all happy little slaves. It is however a conspiracy but not a theory that monsanto shareholders are funding this so called "legalization" law. It is prohibition called legalization designed to make us slaves and like it.
The options:
yes?Voting yes is waiting for permission from a government that has concurrently denied cannabis use while suppressing cannabis information.
Why should the one thing that will set you free be taxed and controlled to the point only a few corporate elite hold the patents and you have to buy it from them?
Making new laws will do nothing to make cannabis use more free.
We should repeal the bad laws that are harming people in the first place. People have freely cultivated and consumed cannabis throughout recorded history and we need it now more than ever.
These laws pass because they don’t address the fundamental truths about the cannabis plant. It is the most harmless and helpful plant on the face of the earth so why do we need to control it more than guns?
Prop 19 is a wolf in sheep's clothing designed to make you think your doing the right thing by voting for it. Let history be our teacher. We need reform on the individual level and mass education about the medical benefits of cannabis and the endocannabinoid system so people can understand how cannabis is different than other "drugs" or substances. Prohibition will end when the people demand it and the people will demand it when they understand how it can help them be more free. Prop 19 does not end prohibition but enforces it by leving more taxes and creating more rules to enforce. Everyone can benefit from medical use. You say that is dangerous to say that but the truth can be dangerous. Saying people are unfit for total decontrol of cannabis and freedom is hypocrisy for a true freedom fighter. You claim to fight for rec use and the only thing that stops us from having that now are all these laws that keep being passed. We have to get back to the constitution of this country that allows personal freedom. In order for you to have legal rec use people will have to stop following and start doing. I have no problem paying taxes but how can you tax a schedule 1 controlled substance? This law will not lead the way to better medical cannabis laws but distract us from truth and continuing open public research. Monsanto, Bayer and GW will be in total control of the Canna trade if 19 passes. Lead follow, or get out of the way. Cannabis will always be free. Our government has tried everything that can be done to control it with epic failure. It is not about setting cannabis free it is about setting yourself free.
We are in the process to truly legalize. We don't have to rush in and pass laws that are bad because we have the opportunity. We will end prohibition on a national level according to the constitution.
Just do it right and repeal prohibition. This is legislation designed to make you think your doing the right thing by voting for it but the truth is creating more taxes, regulations and controls does nothing to make us more free. Uphold our constitutional rights to privacy. Keep big corporate control and greed out of a safe holistic medication. We should not model cannabis after alcohol and tobacco because it is safer than both. Help end slavery and racism, unity against 19.
We are already on the way to true freedom in cannabis though education and changing laws.
Arnold TERMINATED the argument for prop 19. Anyone in California can NOW possess under one ounce with out fear of being arrested or having any kind of criminal record. And we still have a compassionate use act that lets anyone that can benefit from medical cannabis use and grow it tax. SB 1449 is the beginning of a process of freeing cannabis from the clutches of the total control known as prohibition. SB1449 amended a current law to disallow the arrest of the offender and replace with a fine of $100. We will continue to amend laws this way until we have a national legal policy that protects the rights of all cannabis users. Any time old cannabis laws are struck from the books is a good thing while creating new laws are bad.
The solution:
(proposed open legislation to end cannabis prohibition)No matter what the outcome we are on our way to total legalization. The true solution lies in the repeal of prohibition on a national level but it starts with the seeking and sharing the truth. Repealing prohibition is the way to true freedom.
1. Remove cannabis from the Federal Controlled Substances Act.
2. Repeal the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act of 1937.
3. Decriminalize the growing, trade, possession, sale and use of cannabis and implement medical cannabis programs that protect our health on the state and local level.
Discussion page on FaceBook. Share your thoughts.
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