Anyone can be happier and healthier by growing plants in your living environment. Since we have lived as creatures on this earth our existence has depended on a symbonic relationship with plants. We know that cannabis is one of the most helpful plants found in all nature. Much suffering have we endured due our global policy of cannabis eradication. This process of destroying cannabis has distanced us from our health and happiness. We have lost touch with nature. It is not too late for us though. Despite unfair taxes, controls, and total regulation; cannabis still thrives throughout the globe. Freedom starts with the individual and personal responsibility. Reform starts within. Now it is our responsibility to grow cannabis. The most helpful plant should be freely cultivated. Do we not have a duty to grow cannabis for the next generation? The only dangerous thing about cannabis is misinformation and government control. We can change this today simply by planting a seed.
Once we have this knowledge it is our responsibility to act. Never before have we had access to an opportunity of this magnitude. Because of information and technology we are able to see a future where everyone has a right to grow. We can be our own government and artist because of the information we now have. Many problems society faces will go away when we merely live as responsible citizens of this planet. The key to this process is reinventing our urban environments to sustainability, using natural resources such as cannabis (hemp), and increasing our collective knowledge. When we grow and use resources generated on site we decrease our dependence on external systems allowing the individual person to be independent and free. Cannabis makes the poor rich and the sick well and we should all be growing our own. We can bring back industry and create jobs for ourselves by growing our own.
Using this information it is our responsibility to grow! Nature provides us with all we need for an outdoor garden but not everyone has access to these natural resources. We have created a society void of nature in the urban environment. We need to re-introduce growing cannabis into our culture and the key ingredient is light. Light is the information and energy plants need to grow. Most plants are dependent on photosynthesis for energy production and growth. Without the right kind of light the plant will not grow properly. For those of us that do not have access to natural sunlight or want to be discreet with our personal grow then moving indoors is the only option. The privacy of your own living space is perfect for growing whatever you want, whenever you want. Your plants will benefit from you and you will benefit from your plants. Now the only problem is bringing the sunlight inside! Indoor growers have mimicked the sunlight with high pressure sodium lamps (hps), florescent (plasma) bulbs, and other methods for many decades. We tried to replicate the sun energy closely as possible. This process of replicating full spectrum sunlight in your home is nearly impossible and takes massive amounts of electrical energy. Large amounts of heat have to be removed from the grow area or else the plants would burn. Because sunlight is hard to duplicate many potential growers have remained in the dark, until now.
We know that plants don't need the full spectrum of visible light to produce energy through photosynthesis. The sun naturally gives off everything thing from heat to ultra violet radiation but photosynthesis only uses part of this broad spectrum. In fact no heat or UV is used by plants to produce energy from light. The only part of visible light used by plants is called photosynthetically active radiation. Sure other conditions must be right but focus only on photosynthesis. If we are growing in our living environment than the plants will already have enough heat and air to grow. We want to only generate the photosynthetically active radiation we need for the plant to grow properly and healthily. First we need to understand a little more about photosynthesis. Once a certain wavelength of light strikes a certain water molecule an electron is released inside the plant and this electrical charge is what powers the plant. This process happens extremely fast (less than 1/100000000 of a second) and different types of light are responsible for different photosynthesis processes. If we put sunlight into prism it will be divided by different colors because some light is slowed down more than other light when it passes through the varying size of glass. Now look at all the colors of the rainbow and imagine them like musical notes. The lower bass being red while treble would be blue, every color with its own note. It is all part of the same energy, only vibrating slower or faster. In musical terms photosynthetically active radiation is the key of the song. The notes we need to play to grow.
Now we can build an interment that gives us the wanted photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) with out the un necessary visible light, heat, UV and noise. Cool Efficient Lighting (CEL) is a system that incorporates the specific set of lighting components needed to obtain a specific purpose. We can literally strike a chord instead of just emitting broad noise. RTG CEL is a fine tuned instrument designed to grow the finest quality of plants. We have done the research and deciphered the music of photosynthesis. Cool Efficient Lighting (CEL) will allow you to play this music. CEL is a useful tool for every urban environment in a sustainable future.
RTG CEL uses interchangeable LEDs and modular open design to allow implementation of growing in any environment. The light emitting diode (LED) is discrete by nature. Meaning there is a separate and precise light output per LED used. Whereas before a broad assortment of energy was used to get a finite amount of PAR we can now generate the needed energy with much less by product (heat and unabsorbed light). CEL is efficient because only the PAR is generated. The traditional lighting system is only 30% efficient at converting electricity into PAR. While they are bright to look at they are not very good at mimicking the sun from a plants point of view. Take into account the leaf is green therefor a large amount of green light is reflected by any green leaf. It is not a coincidence that plants use no green light for energy production but our eyes are in fact most sensitive to green light. This fact means the inefficiency of high intensity discharge lamps (hid, HPS, NMH), and florescent designed to be bright to our eyes but are inefficient for growing. Using discreet LEDs and a delivery system that requires no external cooling methods makes a Cool Efficient Light machine. CEL is so efficient we have installed it in off grid applications. CEL is designed to be powered with renewable energy generated on site.
Benjamin Franklin said "As we enjoy great Advantages from the Inventions of others we should be glad of an Opportunity to serve others by any Invention of ours, and this we should do freely and generously." Open design allows new applications to be discovered and ideas to be uncovered. Sharing information only leads to everyone's life improving. The PAR plants need to grow can also be healthy for people. Particularly the dark red color is knowing for its healing benefits. CEL can be adapted for an infinite number of possibilities and applications.
CEL is composed of three primary components: the wavelength specific emitter (discrete LED), the heat sink/reflector and a load limiting device. The purpose of the load limiting device is to supply the right amount of electrical current to the LED smoothly as possible. Many other LEDs use a microchip to control the energy but this can lead to a pulsed light output rather than smooth. Considering how fast photosynthesis takes place and the speed at which LEDs react to changes this pulsed method does affect growth. Because a constant current load limiting device is used in CEL 100% of the output PAR is available 100% of the time. Because the light output of CEL is not pulsed it is less dangerous and more easily absorbed.
CEL gives you the right to grow in your urban environment. It brings nature and balance back to our homes no matter where they may be. Even outside CEL can be used to extend the daylight hours and allow for a winter crop. Use technology to make us more independent.
Freedom can be obtained by growing everywhere. Unlimited access is freedom.
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Its a great Blog.When you do switch to LED Grow Lights , do keep your old system, or at least the ballast and HID grow lights. Some gardeners like to speed up the growth rate, or add heat to their gardening area when it is useful in the winter.